Wednesday 9 May 2012

So Hilkiah and the other men went to the New Quarter of Jerusalem to consult with the prophet Huldah. She was the wife of Shallum son of Tikvah, son of Harhas, the keeper of the Temple wardrobe.
2 Chronicles 34:22

Young King Josiah undertook a huge task. He realized as a teenager that he could not be the king of the chosen people of God if he allowed those people to choose any and every god that come along. Josiah had acknowledged the one true God in a land crowded with gods. So, he set out to clean up the kingdom of Israel. Eventually, he got around to restoring God's Temple in Jerusalem.

Josiah was stunned when his renovation crew in the Temple discovered a scroll containing the Law of God. He decided to consult with a prophet because there were dreaded consequences described in the Law for those who failed to obey. Although Jeremiah's and Zephaniah's ministry years overlapped with Josiah's reign, the king turned to the prophet Huldah. Jeremiah was starting out, and Zephaniah was wrapping up his ministry. But there was no gap between them because their work was bridged by the prophetic gift which rested on Huldah. God made sure he had a spokesperson in place, even when his written Word had been misplaced.

Huldah was wife of the king's valet, or "keeper of the wardrobe." She confirmed the truth of the scroll. The idolatry of the people would inevitably lead to painful consequences. But she added a note of grace for Josiah. His personal repentance and humble work of reformation was giving the people extra time. There would be continued peace in his own lifetime.

The biblical record only includes this single event from Huldah's life. She had one opportunity to make a large impact, and she didn't miss it. If your life were remembered only for what happens today, what small or large action would you want remembered? Today is not only the first day of the rest of your life; it is a day for which all your life so far has been a preparation. Don't miss the opportunities he gives you today.

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