Monday 2 January 2012

A Mother’s Faith

I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you.

2 Timothy 1:5
In both good and bad ways people are affected by their environments. Some of us have a background that we must simply put into practice. We've been raised into a life worth living out. Others of us have to unlearn many lessons from family life. But most of us live with a mixture: habits to keep and habits to change. One of Paul's disciples, Timothy, received a gift of life twice from his mother. She gave him birth and then showed him what a life of faith could be.

Timothy's mother and grandmother, Eunice and Lois, were early Christian converts, possibly through Paul's ministry in their home city, Lystra (Acts 16:1). When Paul wrote to Timothy many years later, he had vivid memories of the faith that "filled" his mother and grandmother.

Eunice and Lois had communicated their strong Christian faith to Timothy, even though his father was probably not a believer. That division of commitment within his home probably hurt Timothy, but his mother built into him a character of faithfulness that carried him a long way. By the time Paul passed through Lystra on his second missionary journey, Timothy already had a good reputation among the believers in the area. Paul not only invited Timothy to join his traveling team, but also had him circumcised as part of the preparation. These events must have been a challenge for Timothy's family. Eunice was one of those behind-the-scenes saints who will eventually be recognized in heaven as one of the true heroes of the faith. She gave a child to God’s work.

Don't hide your light at home: Our families are fertile fields for planting gospel seeds. It is the most difficult land to work but yields the greatest harvests. Let your parents, children, spouse, brothers, and sisters know of your faith in Jesus, and be sure they see Christ's love, helpfulness, and joy in you. If our children can't see our faith, is it real?

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