Friday, 17 August 2012


God, our Master Tailor, carefully designs every piece of our lives for His purpose. The piece are many: the circumstances outside of our control, the adversities we face, and the failures we wish to forget. God is the only One who, regardless of how the fabric of our lives was constructed, can carefully and skillfuy stitch it together into a beautiful, one of a kind garment. What a shame it would 
be to not study the fabric of our lives, and most importantly, how God's divine handiwork put the pieces together for His puepose. Just as Joseph in Genesis could look back at how the adversity he faced throughout his life perfectly positioned him to fulfill the purposes that God had for him, we too should take time to examine how God has or can use every part of our lives for His purpose.  

The story of Joseph reminds us of our Lord JESUS Christ, who was rejected by His brothers, battered by false accusations, stripped of His seamless robe, and imprisoned by the nails of the cross. In the process, He gave garments of praise and robes of righteousness to the very ones responsible for His suffering you and me. Because of His death and resurrection, He redeems our lives and our very circumstances. 

Our lives are in the hands of skillful weaver who can use the roughtest materials to make the most glorious of garment. The Lord takes the bolt and twills of life illness, proverty, misfortune, misunderstandings, mistakes and all the rest of it some not much better than used coffee filters and designs them into garments of gladness we're glad to wear on the runaway of life. How are we displaying the garments of gladness and the robes of righteousness? Do we hide them, or do we wear them with pride knowing that our lives are a weaving between our Lord and us? 

Think of your "garment" as a statement of your faith in Christ, and make sure people know the Designer. Make sure the multicolored experiences of your years are pointing others to Him. 

So go into your spiritual closet and put on the garment of gladness, knowing God is working everything for good in your life. And remember, not even Joseph in his multicolored robe or Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as royally as that

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