Sunday, 19 August 2012


The Bible also makes us to understand that things like bondage, freedom, power, anointing, etc. are spiritual items and if they are not sorted out in the spiritual realm, you are wasting your time in the physical. Real power is not in the physical world but in the spiritual world. The children of darkness understand this fact very well.
Ezekiel 13:18-19: “Thus saith the Lord God; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls. Will you hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you? And will you pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies?”
In the foregoing, we could see an exchange-taking place. The souls that are not supposed to die are being slain. They are not supposed to die but they are slain to save the souls that should not live. There are also some people that are destined to die but they look for the lives of younger persons, snuff them out and add theirs to themselves . They save alive the souls that should not live by lying to the people that hear their lies.
Verses 20-21: “Wherefore thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I am against your pillows (pillows in original Hebrew means magic band), wherewith ye hunt the souls to make them fly (meaning that people can be initiated unconsciously), and I will tear them from your arms and will let the souls go even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly. Your kerchiefs also will I tear and deliver my people out of your hands and they shall be no more in your hand to be hunted and ye shall know that I am the LORD.” So, deliverance is needed to get out of their grip.
This is an interesting Scripture. Some people are using magic bands to trade the souls of men. The souls that should normally be at rest, they make them to fly. This is why when some people are asleep, they face battles. There are people after their souls, exchanging their souls for handfuls of barley and pieces of bread. Somebody went to a herbalist and said, “I want to destroy this person,” and he was asked to go and bring kolanut and goat, which would be used to snuff out the person’s soul. These are powers that engage in selling souls. They exchange things. That is why I said, “My life is not for sale.”
All reasonable people sell disposable things, but when a man decides to sell an indispensable item, it means that spiritual madness has crept in. Many lives are on sale. Many are being sold now and many have been sold. There is something in the spirit world known as prostitution of the soul, that is, when the soul of a person becomes a prostitute in the spirit world, all kinds of things will be happening to the soul of the person in the physical. There are people who complain that all night when they sleep, they always see spirit husband. Such people may have become prostitutes in the spirit; they have been sold off. It is very sad.
Jesus says, “What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul. With what can a man make exchange for his soul? Nothing.
When the soul of a person is out on sale, it is a great problem. Jesus says, “What can you give in exchange for a soul?” In Ezekiel 13, we see people exchanging souls of men for mere pieces of bread. So, the worst enemies of men are soul traders. They hunt for souls and trade with souls.
Revelation 18:11: says, “And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more.” What is their merchandise? They are listed in Revelation 18:12-14:which says, “The merchandise of gold and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet and thine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble. And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots and slaves and souls of men.” These are merchandise of soul traders. Please, declare this to yourself, “My life is not for sale.
Isaiah 50:1: “Thus saith the Lord, Where is the bill of your mother’s divorcement, whom I have put away? Or which of my creditors is it to whom I have sold you? Behold, for your iniquities have ye sold yourselves, and for your transgressions is your mother put away.” That means that you sell yourself consciously or unconsciously, or your parents or friends can sell you off. Isaiah 52:3: also says, “For thus saith the Lord, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money.”
When a life has been sold off, there would be destiny disorder. Several years ago, I met a sister who had this problem. Her grandmother married her off to someone in the spirit world, collected her dowry spiritually, spent it also spiritually and that grandmother was now dead. Every night, when she slept there was a short demon by her bed. She prayed and bound and loosed it to no avail. It would disappear for a while only to reappear again. When she was going to the toilet at night, it would step aside physically for her to pass. It was always there watching carefully over her anytime she was in bed. If there were other people on the bed, she would be the only person seeing the short thing. It was the guard of the husband which her grandmother married her to in the spiritual world. Five people tried to marry her but each of them ended in disaster. The one that had the least disaster was the one who drank the water of his car battery.
Please, take the following prayer points:
- Every power bargaining for my soul, die, in the name of Jesus.
- My soul, be delivered from satanic flying, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, 17 August 2012


God, our Master Tailor, carefully designs every piece of our lives for His purpose. The piece are many: the circumstances outside of our control, the adversities we face, and the failures we wish to forget. God is the only One who, regardless of how the fabric of our lives was constructed, can carefully and skillfuy stitch it together into a beautiful, one of a kind garment. What a shame it would 
be to not study the fabric of our lives, and most importantly, how God's divine handiwork put the pieces together for His puepose. Just as Joseph in Genesis could look back at how the adversity he faced throughout his life perfectly positioned him to fulfill the purposes that God had for him, we too should take time to examine how God has or can use every part of our lives for His purpose.  

The story of Joseph reminds us of our Lord JESUS Christ, who was rejected by His brothers, battered by false accusations, stripped of His seamless robe, and imprisoned by the nails of the cross. In the process, He gave garments of praise and robes of righteousness to the very ones responsible for His suffering you and me. Because of His death and resurrection, He redeems our lives and our very circumstances. 

Our lives are in the hands of skillful weaver who can use the roughtest materials to make the most glorious of garment. The Lord takes the bolt and twills of life illness, proverty, misfortune, misunderstandings, mistakes and all the rest of it some not much better than used coffee filters and designs them into garments of gladness we're glad to wear on the runaway of life. How are we displaying the garments of gladness and the robes of righteousness? Do we hide them, or do we wear them with pride knowing that our lives are a weaving between our Lord and us? 

Think of your "garment" as a statement of your faith in Christ, and make sure people know the Designer. Make sure the multicolored experiences of your years are pointing others to Him. 

So go into your spiritual closet and put on the garment of gladness, knowing God is working everything for good in your life. And remember, not even Joseph in his multicolored robe or Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as royally as that

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


JESUS was the only begotten of the Father (John 1:14) and His body was formed and fashioned wonderfully in the womb of Mary His mother; but the LIFE that was in Jesus Christ came alone from the Father by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, this life which flowed in the veins of the Lord Jesus Christ came from God. No wonder He said, "I am the LIFE." God imparted His own life into the Bloodstream of Jesus. Adamic blood is corrupt and was carried by Mary, who declared that Jesus her Son was "God my Saviour" (Luke 1:47). Mary was the chosen carrier of the body of her Son, but all the Blood came from God. I do not know how many categories of human blood have been catalogued by medical science, but I do know that the "Blood type" of the Lord Jesus Christ was entirely different. The Blood that flowed in His veins was perfect, for it was not contaminated by Adam's sin which brought sin and sickness into human blood.
If Adam had not sinned, he would not have died. But by his sin, he introduced death into the human family. The human body, therefore, became subject to corruption and decay, and death ultimately comes to each one of us. It is at the time of death that the life that is in the blood takes its departure with the spirit and soul of man.

Jesus Christ has no sin in His body, but He allowed Himself to die for the sins of a sinful humanity. He gave the perfect life that was in His perfect Blood to redeem poor mankind who carried death in their bodies -pure Blood for imperfect, contaminated blood. Life for life, for the life is in the blood. This is why Jesus is described as the last Adam. God sent Him to earth in the likeness of sinful Adam, but with pure uncontaminated Blood in his veins. God sent Him so that He might shed that pure Blood of His for the life of humanity. It is highly important for us to understand that the category of Jesus' Blood was different. Peter rightly describes it as "precious blood" (1 Peter 1:19). It is not possible to evaluate the Blood of Jesus by human values. It is priceless. It is God's price for the redemption of the whole human race.
A great miracle takes place when a man trusts in Jesus and accepts Him as his personal Savior. Immediately, a great cleansing takes place, and the sin that is in the blood stream is purged. "For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed: for the Lord dwells in Zion" (Joel 3:21). When we receive Jesus, the Bible declares that the heart is cleansed by the Blood of Jesus. This may be more literal than some would dare to believe. If the sin which is in our blood stream is purged and spiritual filth is washed out, then certainly the very heart which pumps the blood may be spoken of as being cleansed. By the miracle of salvation, we receive both eternal life and the divine health of the Son of God. The greatest disinfectant in the world is the Blood of Jesus Christ. It carries the eternal life of God in it.

In this connection it is interesting to note that Satan's nickname Beelzebub means "Lord of the Flies," or "Prince of the flies." Dead blood will quickly attract to itself flies, which will breed corruption in the coagulation blood; but the Blood of Jesus has exactly the opposite effect: it repulses Beelzebub and all his demons. When you put the Blood of Jesus on something, or place someone or something under the Blood by faith, Satan will flee because the Blood of Jesus is alive. The life is in the Blood. So, do not underestimate the power of the Blood of Jesus. In Leviticus 17, we read, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the BLOOD THAT MAKETH AN ATONEMENT FOR THE SOUL." The Apostle, therefore, made no mistake when he wrote, "Without shedding of blood is no remission" (Hebrews 9:22).

Some people say that it is enough to have just the name of Jesus. But this is not so. We need the Name and the Blood, for the life is in the Blood. There is power in the name of Jesus only because He shed His own Blood and offered it to His Father, who thereupon gave His power and His authority to His Son (Matthew 28:18). This same power and authority is given to all believers (Luke 10:19), but it only becomes operative as we honor His blood.

When Jesus died upon the cross, His own Blood was shed and sprinkled by Himself as God's High Priest on behalf of the people. He was crucified at the time of the feast of the Passover, the feast the Jews kept to remember the time when God said, "When I see the blood I will pass over you" (Exodus 12:23). At the very time when the jews were celebrating the first exodus, Jesus was making atonement for the second exodus. To all who will believe in this sacrifice and the efficacy of His precious Blood, there is an exodus from sin and the penalty of sin, which includes sickness. Jesus sprinkled His own Blood and fulfilled the following types: on the altar (the cross) (Exodus 24:6-8); round about the cross (Exodus 29:12-16); on the High Priest's garments (Exodus 29:20-21). Jesus' Blood was sprinkled seven times (or the number of perfection) (Leviticus 4:6-7); on the bottom of the cross (Leviticus 4:6-7); on the side of the cross (Leviticus 5:9); round about the cross, i.e. on the earth beneath (Leviticus 7:2); sprinkled before the tabernacle seven times (Numbers 19:4). This last was fulfilled in that the cross and the hill of Calvary were within sight of the temple in Jerusalem, for Calvary was outside the city wall. All these Old testament types were fulfilled in the crucifixion of Jesus, who made Himself our Passover, our vicar, our Savior, and our Blood sacrifice. His Blood alone covers our sins.

If we honor the Blood of Jesus Christ, the Father will smile upon us with forgiveness and cleansing. But this must not be a dull theological honoring, but a continual, active and vital embracing of His Blood. We do not offer our own works; we offer only His Blood. When God sees the Blood of His Son, which we offer as our covering, pardon and plea, God does not see our sin at all; He can only see the covering -the Blood. Therefore we understand that "It is the BLOOD that maketh an atonement for the soul" (Leviticus 17:12).
The Life of God is in the Blood of Jesus, thus, we can not be surprised at the strong reactions from demonic spirits. As soon as the Christian takes the precious Blood of Jesus on his tongue and sings it, talks it, or pleads it, the devil gets terribly disturbed. The devil understands the power of the Blood of Jesus, and he has done everything possible to blind Christians to this truth. Many of the people today who are Christians in name only, will have nothing to do with what they call "a slaughterhouse religion." Theirs is a religion without the life of God in it, and the devil has no objection to our participating in this kind of religion. But as soon as we honor the Blood of Jesus IN AN ACTIVE SENSE, we stir up demons to a fever pitch. It is like fire in a hornet's nest.

It is surprising that so little has been taught about the Blood and so little is known about the activity of demon spirits, even within the Christian church. No wise Christian would dare try to cast out demons without faith in the Blood of Jesus. As Christians living in today's exceedingly wicked world our only hope and salvation is by walking continually in the Blood of Jesus. The fact is that Jesus' Blood says something to God. The Blood cries out to God, "Our sin is covered! The penalty is paid!" We are redeemed.